Spells of Weald
Cost: 2With Weald, I conjure barkskin.
Each event, choose one target you will protect. For the rest of the event you can cast this spell only on yourself and that one target. Spend a point of Air, speak the incantation, call out “Grant Protection by Weald,” and make a packet or touch attack to protect them.
Claw Shape
Cost: 2With Weald, I weave claws of the beast.
You will your body to assume it's primal shape, growing claws. The process takes time, and while you are getting out your claws your body is busy growing them. You may fight with one long claw and one short claw while this spell is active. If you have another ability that also allows you to use claws, you may instead fight with two long claws. This spell has no attribute cost, but it ends if you use any other weapon, use a shield, or put away your claws. You must cast the spell each time you change your weaponry back to claws for battle.
Draw Forth the Serpent
Cost: 4With Weald, I weave magic to draw forth the serpent.
You can draw a poison effect from someone and twist its nature to envenom your own claws. Spend a point of Water, speak the incantation, call out "Cure Poison by Weald" and touch the target. If you cure a poison effect and you are using claws, then you are empowered with two melee attacks for "2 Damage by Poison.” You need not use these strikes immediately; you can save them to use later but they fade if you take a long rest, use this spell again, or when the event ends. You cannot use this spell if you do not have a poisoned target.
Driving Off the Predator
Cost: 1With Weald, I invoke magic to drive off the predator.
You use the power of Weald to drive an animal away from you. Spend a point of Fire, speak the incantation, call out "Repel to Beast" and make an attack to drive back a beast.
Elemental Fortification
Cost: 4With Weald, I conjure an elemental fortification.
You protect the recipient from mental control. Spend a point of Water, speak the incantation, call out “Grant Elemental Defense, Shield,” and make a packet or touch attack to protect the ally from elemental attacks.
Roots Run Deep
Cost: 3With Weald, I invoke roots to run deep.
You call upon the very Earth to entrap a foe, rooting them to the ground. Spend a point of Earth, speak the incantation, call out "Root by Earth," and make an attack to root the enemy in place.
The Running River
Cost: 2With Weald, I instill you with the running river.
You free someone from a Root effect. Spend a point of Water, speak the incantation, call out "Cure Root by Weald" and make a packet or touch attack to free the target.
Strike of The Hunter
Cost: 2With Weald, I evoke the strike of the hunter.
You strike at a beast. Spend a point of Fire, speak the incantation, call out "6 Damage to Beast," and make an attack to take down a beast you are hunting.
The Storm's Anger
Cost: 2With Weald, I evoke the storm’s anger.
You evoke a bolt of lightning to destroy a foe. Spend a point of Fire, speak the incantation, call out "4 Damage by Lightning," and make an attack to strike down an enemy with lightning.
Whispering of Leaves
Cost: 1With Weald, I weave a whispering of leaves.
You are granted the ability to converse with one animated plant. Spend a point of Air, speak the incantation, call out "Speak to Plant" and make a packet attack at an animated plant. If it hits the target, and the target has the Plant trait, the target may speak with you if it wishes to. This spell does not force the creature to speak, nor will it prevent the creature from taking action. The attribute cost is exhausted only if the subject acknowledges the use of the spell with role play or negates it with a defense.
With the Tongue of the Wild
Cost: 1With Weald, I weave the tongue of the wild.
You are granted the ability to converse with one animal. Spend a point of Air, speak the incantation, call out "Speak to Beast" and make a packet attack at an animal. If it hits the target, and the target has the Beast trait, the target may speak with you if it wishes to. This spell does not force the animal to speak, nor will it prevent the animal from taking an action. The attribute cost is exhausted only if the subject acknowledges the use of the spell with role play or negates it with a defense.