Cost: 5You cannot use skills in this header if you have the Berserker or Beastmaster header. You cannot use skills from this header unless you act and dress in a civilized and dignified manner. You also cannot use skills in this header if you have the Uncivilized trait. Once you take this header you will find yourself utterly incapable of fighting with claws of any kind. You cannot use the Scavenger skill if you have this header.
You may replace the battle trait of skills or spells with the Agony, Drain, or Repel effect with the Awe or Presence trait.
Cost: 5This information skill...
Cost: 2Sometimes a Highborn is all there is between decorum and anarchy. You may cure Frenzy effects or attacks with the Madness trait. If you are in a room, exhaust a point of Earth and call out “In This Room, Cure Frenzy by Inspiration” or “In This Room, Cure Madness by Inspiration” to restore order. If you are not indoors, you must exhaust a point of Earth and call out “By Your Name [Name], Cure Frenzy by Inspiration” or “By Your Name [Name], Cure Madness by Inspiration” to free someone from that effect.
“To be Gifted is to be civilized and rise above those who think the Gifted Races nothing more than animals.” Mariella DremaineDressed To Kill
Cost: 5You are confident and light on your feet when you are dressed in a civilized manner. As part of your long rest, spend time to role play dressing, checking yourself in the mirror, or straightening and cleaning yourself up. At the end of you long rest you gain 2 points of Protection.
If you become disheveled or filthy - and the act or decision that caused this deplorable state was one you made freely - then these points are lost. Another character will not cause this; there is no benefit to throwing dirt at a Highborn. The ultimate source of your predicament must be some inelegant act you yourself have made.
“Let’s not lose sight of the important thing here; we looked good doing it.” The outlaw known as the Blue Sparrow, after robbing an escorted noble carriage on the high road to Vellingrim.Enough of That
Cost: 3You may keep people quiet if they are talking out of turn. Spend a point of Fire, call out “Enough of That, Short Silence by Awe,” and make a packet attack to keep someone from speaking out of turn.
A Gilded Carriage
Cost: 1Spirit Form
Once per event, if you have received a formal invitation to a function and you have dressed specifically for that function you may travel to that function as a spirit after you have spent at least one minute dressing and grooming for that purpose. Once you are dressed and prepared with the invitation in hand you activate this skill at your dwelling to become a spirit and gain the Spirit defense. You gain the Spirit trait and the Chimera trait and become immune to most attacks. Attacks with the "to Spirit" or the "to Chimera" traits affect you and effects that are not beneficial will knock you out of spirit form and end this effect. You must travel directly to the function. You cannot tarry once you use this skill on other concerns. The protection ends when you reach your destination and enter the function. Once the function is finished you may use this skill to return to your dwelling where you first used the skill, but you may only do so if you haven’t left the function and you haven’t used a skill or attack that created an effect that is not beneficial. Doing either of these things ends the skill. You may use this skill an additional time each event, but only if your outfit is completely different for the second use of the skill. Once the effect ends all Spirit Form skills are exhausted until you take a long rest.
I Question Your Bearing
Cost: 1If you see someone claiming a noble title you may spend a point of Earth and gesture to them to call out "By My Gesture, Expose Highborn by Awe." This is usually done only if there is some question as to the validity of the individual in question. Not all nobles are Highborn, but you will at least know that the individual does not share the same passion for the civilized lands that many of the noble folk do. If you do this in court to a prominent noble you might be considered a buffoon or fool, but using the skill on the road or in times of danger is certainly warranted.
There is nothing wrong with hard work, dirt under the fingernails and adventurous behavior so long as one cleans themselves up. One must maintain one's self above the baser instincts.
On Your Way
Cost: 3Spend a point of Water, call out "On your way, Repel by Awe," and make a packet attack to send some bothersome creature away from you.
A Sharp Tongue
Cost: 1If you are affected by an attack with a Mental trait you can shake it off if you are given the chance to interact with the attacker, either by engaging in some kind of conversation to focus or by haranguing them. You must spend at least 10 seconds saying something appropriately witty to activate this skill. If you are unsure or unsatisfied with your retort you will lack the confidence to use this skill. If your verbal banter is pleasing, and let's face it you will know if it isn't, then you may choose a Mental trait, spend a point of Water, and call out "Purge [Trait]" and end that effect.
With Noble Bearing
Cost: 3Your decorum is such that the base acts of Frenzy and effects based on Madness are against your very nature. Spend a point of Fire and call out “Resist” to negate one attack with either the Frenzy effect or the Madness trait.
To be Highborn is to embrace civilization; its art and culture and all that is wonderful and uplifting about the ascent of the Gifted Races into civilization.