Shaman, Elemental
Shaman, Elemental
Cost: 5Devotion: Your Devotion must be Shamanism. You can have only one Devotion specialty header.
Requirement: You must have the Sphere of Primal to take this header.
The world around you is filled with spirits, not only in living things, but in the elements that comprise the world. Unlike the Druids, who call to the spirits and ask for their aid, you bond with spirits directly, drawing on their power and in turn strengthening them. You do this by forming an Effigy that represents those spirits. This Effigy forms the bond between you and the spirits, and with it you manifest their power.
You create an Effigy through the clothes you wear and the tokens you carry and display. It is not enough to hear and see and feel the spirits; you must become a physical representation of the spirits you call upon. Your Effigy is represented in three ways.
First, your robes or furs or armor must have colors and paints and decorations that look, to the spirits and those around you, like the elements you call upon. Shamans favor natural decorations, and are more powerful when they create these effects with materials like feathers and furs and bone than with silks or other highly refined materials.
Second, you carry tokens and totems and fetishes that represent your spells and your ties to the elements. It is not unheard of to have these tokens glow softly. (Blue light is not allowed because it is so harmful to night vision.) These can be dangling pieces, attached badges, decorated weapons, or extra costuming pieces like mantles, stoles, or belts.
Third, you have a Shamanic Mask that completes your Effigy. Your mask is something that changes your face or head to bring your Effigy in line with the forces you bind to. Some shaman wear a physical mask decorated to look like a particular element, or even to look like an elemental. These physical masks are generally exaggerated, and more of an artistic expression with color and form that changes your silhouette. Some shaman wear a hood or helmet or headdress to complete their Effigy. Some shaman wear complex Warpaint, decorating their faces to change their appearance to evoke the spirits they bind to. Particularly powerful shaman might have some combination of these, completing their Shamanic Mask with feathers and leather and other decoration.
At the beginning of each event you create an Elemental Circle which is decorated with representations of your one or two favored elements; Air, Earth, Fire or Water. This circle, once placed, cannot be moved for the entire event, at least not without special magic to do so. The circle cannot be indoors, nor can it be placed in a manner that will block paths or traffic or cause an undue trip hazard.
Twice per event, if you are in your Elemental Circle, touch a recipient, choose Earth, Fire or Water, and call out “Refresh [Attribute] by Primal” to strengthen them.
Durability of the Shaman
Cost: 5You gain +1 to your Vitality attribute.
Earthen Shield
Cost: 5Spend a point of Earth, call out “Grant 2 Protection by Earth,” and touch an ally to protect them.
Elemental Magic
Cost: 3You gain one Centering point that can be used in place of Earth, Fire or Water when casting spells from the Primal or Wayfare spheres. This point is refreshed any time you take a long rest, and refreshing this point is not limited by your Void attribute.
Healing Waters
Cost: 5Rather than calling on the Sphere of Legacy to heal allies, you have learned to infuse the elements into allies to heal them directly. Since this ability has no incantation, nor does it require you to call out two verbals, it creates a burst of healing that values speed over efficiency. If you wish to heal yourself, spend a point of Water and call out “Heal 3 to Self” to recover from your wounds. If you wish to heal another, spend a point of Water, call out “Heal 4 by Water,” and make a packet or touch attack to heal an ally.
My Heart, the Forge
Cost: 4If you or an ally is wearing physical armor, you may call forth elemental power to reweave that armor. Choose a target wearing physical armor, though it can be metal, hide, leather, or even bone or wood. Spend a point of Air, call out “Repair 1 Armor by Lava,” and make a packet attack to fix the target’s armor.
Purge the Elements
Cost: 5Once per short rest, spend a point of Fire, role play for three seconds, and call out “Purge” to end one effect with an Elemental trait.
Weapon Infusion
Cost: 2If you are skilled in the use of a weapon, you may form that weapon out of Earth, Fire, or Lightning. Choose one of these elements when you purchase this skill. You may focus for one minute to form weapons of your chosen element, allowing you to use props with an elemental appearance. You may hold these elemental weapons in your off hand while casting spells, and you may block with a one handed elemental weapon while casting spells. If an elemental weapon is destroyed you may focus for one minute, role playing your concentration as you summon elemental power to form a new weapon, to create a new one. (You must provide the appropriate weapon props made to look like your chosen elemental to use this skill.)