Cost: 5Devotion: Your Devotion must be Divine. You can have only one Devotion specialty header.
Long ago, divine power was woven into the Tapestry by Ciarda, Fainche, and Sciath; the three sisters of Fate. This Divine inspiration is all that is left of the Divine sacrifice made at the end of the last age. It is woven into the Tapestry as light, and as song, and as fire that brings warmth to the virtuous and yet burns those who are corrupt. You are devoted to the Woven Faith, and your faith is dedicated to preserv-ing and strengthening these threads of Divine inspiration.
Each strand or thread of Divine inspiration is guarded by divine beings, saints and angels who have risen since those elder days. These divine beings are called the Thread-Bearers, for they are the guardians and caretakers of the Divine inspiration and its threads. Although Priests of the Woven Faith are devoted to the Divine inspiration and call upon it for their magic and faith, the Thread-Bearers seek out and choose Priests to act as their champions and aspirants, though their choices are sometimes inscrutable to the faithful who are chosen.
To those devoted to the Woven Faith, and the Thread-Bearers, the Divine Inspiration can manifest and be experienced in three ways. The Divine Light inspires thought, clarity, and leadership and this Light is represented by the Crown. The Divine Song inspires resolve, passion, and redemption and this Song is represented by the Harp. The Divine Fire inspires courage, justice, and purity and this Fire is represented by the Sword.
Twice per event, if you are in a Temple dedicated to the Thread-Bearers, touch a recipient, choose Earth, Fire or Water, and call out “Refresh [Attribute] by Divine” to strengthen them.
Bearer of the Crown
Cost: 4Your devotion has attracted a patron; one of the Thread-Bearers has given to you their blessing and you gain the Inspiration of the Crown skill from that patron as your own skill. Choose a Thread-Bearer from the Divine Inspiration section to gain their Inspiration of the Crown skill.
You can receive only one blessing of a particular Thread-Bearer at any time. If a Thread-Bearer has be-come your patron of the Crown that same divine being cannot also be your patron of the Harp or of the Sword.
Although you, as a player, choose a Thread-Bearer when you purchase this skill, the Thread-Bearer which grants you the Inspiration of the Crown skill can change. When the Priests celebrate the Festival of Threads, the priests attending renew their devotion to the Light, and the divine Thread-Bearers renew their blessings. During each Festival of Threads, you will choose which Thread-Bearers is your patron of the Crown. It might be the same Thread-Bearer that has always blessed you, or it might be an entirely new Thread-Bearer.
It is important to note that the initial choice of Thread-Bearer, and the decision to retain your patron or change it during the Festival of Threads, is entirely up to you, the player. It is not a character decision. These saints and angels choose to bless specific priests, and the purpose and wisdom of these divine be-ings is often inscrutable. You are encouraged to choose the patron who has blessed you based on what you, as a player, will find most fun and interesting, even if it is an odd choice your character would never make.
Bearer of the Harp
Cost: 4Your devotion has attracted a patron; one of the Thread-Bearers has given to you their blessing and you gain the Inspiration of the Harp skill from that patron as your own skill. Choose a Thread-Bearer from the Divine Inspiration section to gain their Inspiration of the Harp skill.
You can receive only one blessing of a particular Thread-Bearer at any time. If a Thread-Bearer has be-come your patron of the Harp that same divine being cannot also be your patron of the Crown or of the Sword.
Although you, as a player, choose a Thread-Bearer when you purchase this skill, the Thread-Bearer which grants you the Inspiration of the Harp skill can change. When the Priests celebrate the Festival of Threads, the priests attending renew their devotion to the Light, and the divine Thread-Bearers renew their blessings. During each Festival of Threads, you will choose which Thread-Bearers is your patron of the Crown. It might be the same Thread-Bearer that has always blessed you, or it might be an entirely new Thread-Bearer.
It is important to note that the initial choice of Thread-Bearer, and the decision to retain your patron or change it during the Festival of Threads, is entirely up to you, the player. It is not a character decision. These saints and angels choose to bless specific priests, and the purpose and wisdom of these divine be-ings is often inscrutable. You are encouraged to choose the patron who has blessed you based on what you, as a player, will find most fun and interesting, even if it is an odd choice your character would never make.
Bearer of the Sword
Cost: 4Your devotion has attracted a patron; one of the Thread-Bearers has given to you their blessing and you gain the Inspiration of the Sword skill from that patron as your own skill. Choose a Thread-Bearer from the Divine Inspiration section to gain their Inspiration of the Sword skill.
You can receive only one blessing of a particular Thread-Bearer at any time. If a Thread-Bearer has be-come your patron of the Sword that same divine being cannot also be your patron of the Crown or of the Harp.
Although you, as a player, choose a Thread-Bearer when you purchase this skill, the Thread-Bearer which grants you the Inspiration of the Sword skill can change. When the Priests celebrate the Festival of Threads, the priests attending renew their devotion to the Light, and the divine Thread-Bearers renew their blessings. During each Festival of Threads, you will choose which Thread-Bearers is your patron of the Sword. It might be the same Thread-Bearer that has always blessed you, or it might be an entirely new Thread-Bearer.
It is important to note that the initial choice of Thread-Bearer, and the decision to retain your patron or change it during the Festival of Threads, is entirely up to you, the player. It is not a character decision. These saints and angels choose to bless specific priests, and the purpose and wisdom of these divine be-ings is often inscrutable. You are encouraged to choose the patron who has blessed you based on what you, as a player, will find most fun and interesting, even if it is an odd choice your character would never make.
Blessings of the Faithful
Cost: 4Once per event, you are empowered by your connection to the temples of your faith. You may perform a Rite where you role-play a ceremony to give you divine favor in some upcoming endeavor. The Rite must take at least one minute, and requires candle props and other decorations appropriate to your devo-tion. The Rite is usually done just prior to the endeavor so the blessings are not consumed in some less important conflict or encounter.
Once the Rite is done, you may deliver one blessing to the faithful for each point of your Air attribute. You may not give more than one blessing to any specific recipient when you use this skill. These bless-ings are delivered by touching a packet to the willing recipient. You may choose each blessing from the following list.
“Grant 3 Protection by Divine”
“Grant Melee Attack, 3 Damage”
“Grant Packet Attack, 3 Damage by Light”
“Grant Missile Attack, 3 Damage”
“Grant Fear Defense, Resist”
“Grant Will Defense, Resist”
“Grant Touch Attack, Heal 4 by Divine”
Since the list of blessings is long, a list of these blessings is many times among the props used for the Rite. It often is recorded in a scroll or tome for reference when performing the Rite to use this skill.
Divine Magic
Cost: 3You gain one Centering point that can be used in place of Earth, Fire or Water when casting spells from the Legacy or Sovereign spheres. This point is refreshed any time you take a long rest, and refreshing this point is not limited by your Void attribute.
Healing Adept
Cost: 5Requirement: Blessing of Health
If you use both castings from the Legacy spell, A Blessing of Health, on recipients other than yourself, you gain an additional casting for use on others. You cannot use this additional casting to heal yourself.
Temple Fortress
Cost: 2Spirit Form
You can protect yourself within a temple that has been consecrated to the Sisters or the Thread-Bearers. Touch a symbol of the Thread-Bearers displayed in the temple with both hands, exhaust 2 points of Wa-ter, and say "Imbue by Divine" to activate this ability. The area must be marked with an Information tag stating it is consecrated to your patron. So long as you do not move you gain the Spirit defense and be-come immune to most attacks. Any attack that is not beneficial that is "by Darkness" or "to Spirit" will affect you and knock you out of Spirit form. Otherwise you will stay in spirit form until you choose to move. Once the effect ends all Spirit Form skills are exhausted until you take a long rest.