

Cost: 5

Troubadours perform to empower their skills. To use many abilities in this header you must create plot approved performances that you perform. A long performance is at least one minute in length. A short performance is at least 10 seconds in length. Some skills in this header have a requirement of finishing a performance. Troubadours do not need to focus to perform, but they cannot fight or use other skills while performing. You may call defenses if you can call them during the flow of the performance without ruining the quality of the piece you are reciting or singing. A performance is ruined if you are rendered helpless, unconscious, or silent before it is complete.

If you mess up the pre-approved words or the tune of a performance, due to calling a defense or just because you didn’t perform well, then you don’t expend the skill but you must start the performance over again from the beginning. You are playing a troubadour and have presumably practiced and timed your performances before they are approved by plot; you’ll know if you messed up the performance and must end the performance prematurely as appropriate.

Combining performance skills while casting spells can be difficult. If you combine two skills that require a performance, such as Centering with Harmonic Cure, then the performance for the spell must be long enough to satisfy both skills, and the music should flow such that the transition from one performance to the next is not jarring.

Each time you successfully use a skill that requires a performance, if that skill costs at least one point of Air, Earth, Fire, Water, or Void then you refresh a point of Air.

Awakening the Young Heart

Cost: 2

The less experienced are said to be blessed by the fates and more easily inspired and renewed. You may touch a willing recipient and call out “Diagnose Initiate Trait” to check to see if an ally is an initiate. You may also refresh an initiate. Four times per event choose Earth, Fire or Water. Finish a short performance, touch the another character (this will not work if you use it on yourself,) and call out “Refresh [Attribute] by Inspiration.”

Once you have exhausted your four uses of this skill you may continue to use this skill by spending your own attribute point to refresh an initiate. Finish a short performance, spend a point of Earth, Fire or Water, touch a recipient, and call out ““Refresh [Attribute] by Inspiration” where the attribute you call out is the same as the attribute point you spent on this skill.

Aria of Courage

Cost: 4

Your songs bolster courage and give aid to faltering spirit. You plant your feet, exhaust two points of Fire and begin to sing. So long as you sing and do not move your feet you may touch a packet to a recipient and call out either "Cure Fear by Inspiration" or “Cure Despair by Inspiration” as part of the song you have prepared. You may not interrupt the song to say the verbal and you must have at least 8 words between each use of the verbal. The song is interrupted if you are struck by any hostile melee, missile or packet strike.


Cost: 3

You may purchase this skill 3 times.

You gather magical power by singing, and this allows you to cast all sorts of spells more easily. You can purchase this skill up to 3 times, and each level of this skill gives you 1 point of Centering that can be exhausted instead of Earth, Fire, or Water when casting your spells. Spells cast using Centering points do not use normal incantations. Instead, you must finish a short performance before calling out the verbal. Each spell must have a unique musical short performance that is approved by plot. This song replaces the normal incantation of the spell.

Like Earth, Fire, and Water, you can refresh Centering points during a long rest a number of times equal to your Void. You may cast a spell using a mix of Centering points and attributes but using even one Centering point requires a short performance instead the usual incantation.

Harmonic Cure

Cost: 5

Your performances empower your abilities with Cure effects. Finish a short performance as an additional requirement of an ability with a Cure effect. You are empowered to use the Cure effect twice instead of once so long as both uses are on characters other than yourself, they used in rapid succession, within 10 seconds of each other, and no skill is used between them.

Healing Adept

Cost: 5
Requirement: Blessing of Health

If you use both castings from the Legacy spell, A Blessing of Health, on recipients other than yourself, you gain an additional casting for use on others. You cannot use this additional casting to heal yourself.

A Song of Healing

Cost: 3

Once per long rest, finish a short performance, spend a point Void, and call out “By My Voice, Heal 2 by Inspiration.” If you have a community trait you may instead call out “By My Voice, Heal 2 to [Community]” when using this skill.

A Song for Death

Cost: 3

Once per event you may gather with at least two other troubadours at the Gate of Death to give strength to a spirit and appease the Reaper of the gate as a spirit enters the gate. Three or more troubadours gather and decide who is the leader of the chorus. At least two troubadours with this skill touch the leader of the chorus and call out “Imbue Dirge by Inspiration” to empower the leader. The leader exhausts the use of this skill and calls out “By My Voice, Imbue to Reaper” and the Troubadours begin a song that lasts no more than one minute to strengthen the Fate of the spirit. If the Reaper is pleased by the song and the spirit has no previous obligation to the Reapers, then that spirit may be allowed to leave the Gate without weakening. More than three performers may be involved in the chorus but only three need to have the skill. If a troubadour cannot find two others who have this skill, they may substitute in another performer but the leader will have to exhaust a point of Fire for each of the two required and unskilled participants. Troubadours must begin the song when there is no other spirit waiting before the benefactor, and once the benefactor has touched Fate beyond the Gate it is too late to use this skill. It is said the Reaper favors respectful songs that evoke the energies of the Gate such as dirges. If the Reaper finds the song much to his or her dislike, then it is entirely possible that the Reaper will leave the Gate and punish or slay the performers.

A Song of Life

Cost: 5

Once per event you may finish a long performance to bring an ally back to life. Finish a long performance, spend a point of Void, touch a dead ally, and call out “Cure Death by Harmony” to restore your companion back to life.

(Note that using this skill takes over a minute so you will have to begin to use it while the target has well over one minute left in their count before they turn to spirit if you hope to bring them back.)