Paladin of Shadow
Paladin of Shadow
Cost: 5Paladin: You may only take one Paladin header.
You gain Shadow as a battle trait. You may replace the battle trait of attacks with Damage or Agony as the effect with Shadow or any other battle trait you have gained.
Armored in Shadow
Cost: 3Requirements: Heavy Armor
You may imbue your heavy armor with shadow to protect you. Once per long rest, spend a point of Void and call out “Armor me in Twilight! Imbue by Shadow” to activate this power. You negate the next 3 called melee, missile, or packet attacks that strike you. Call “Guard by Shadow” for each attack you negate. You must be wearing a heavy armor prop with a helmet or pauldrons to use this power.
Darkness, My Enemy
Cost: 4If you witness an enemy use an attack or defense with the "by Malediction" or "by Darkness" trait you may spend a point of Air to gain two melee attacks against that enemy. Call out "2 Damage by Shadow" with each strike. If the enemy leaves your field of vision or you become unsure which enemy called on that dark power then the effect ends. If you activate this skill while you still have an unused attacks from previously using this skill then those attacks are lost.
Heart of Gloom
Cost: 3Spend a point of Water and call out “Avoid by Shadow” to negate one attack based on Awe, Confusion, or Darkness. Spend 2 points of Water and call out “Avoid by Shadow” to negate one attack based on Malediction.
In Dark Armor
Cost: 5If you are wearing a metal armor prop with a helmet or pauldrons, you gain an additional point of armor. You cannot use this skill in combination with skills that allow you to use an alternate armor prop as your heavy armor; you must be wearing a prop that is metal or made to look like metal, and you must be wearing either a helmet or pauldrons.
Reveal the Darkness
Cost: 2Spend a point of Fire and call out “By My Voice, Expose Malediction by Shadow" to reveal tainted creatures. Alternately, you may instead call out “By My Voice, Expose Demon by Shadow” to reveal demonic presence.
Shadow’s Grasp
Cost: 3Spend a point of Earth, call out “Short Weakness by Shadow,” and make a melee attack to weaken an opponent with a seething shadow.
Soothing Shadow
Cost: 3Spend a point of Earth, call out “Heal 2 by Shadow,” and touch the recipient with a packet. You may use this skill if you are holding a weapon or shield in your other hand. If you used this skill on someone other than yourself your next use of this skill, if it also is on someone other than yourself, has no attribute cost.