

Cost: 5

You gain “Lightning” as a battle trait, and you may replace the trait of Primal and Weald spells with “Lightning.” Your Stormdancer skills that are delivered as packet attacks are not spells; you can use them while holding a weapon or shield in your off hand so long as you are not actively blocking with that item. Silence will prevent you from making packet attacks, however, as you can no longer hear the thunder and wind inside you.

(You cannot use packet attacks while blocking or being struck by melee attacks as normal.)

Duck for Cover

Cost: 5

Once per long rest, spend 2 points of Water and call out “Avoid by Wind” to negate one missile or packet attack.

Fear No Storm

Cost: 2

Spend a point of Fire and call out “Resist by Storms” to negate one effect with the Air, Lightning or Thunder trait.

Spirit of Storms

Cost: 3

Spend a point of Fire and call out “Purge by Storms” to end one Paralyze, Root, or Slow effect with an Elemental, Mental, Metabolic, or Physical trait.

Storm Child

Cost: 2

You are empowered when the rain and thunder move across the sky. If it is actually raining hard enough that droplets fall from the leaves and buildings and you are outside in that rain, then you may increase your Damage effects with the Lightning trait by 1 while it rains on you. If you actually hear the sound of thunder, then you are empowered with a free melee or packet attack for “3 Damage by Lightning,” although this attack is lost if you gain another attack because you hear a new sound of thunder, you rest, or you use another skill.


Cost: 3

Spend a point of Earth, call out "Agony by Thunder," and make a melee or packet attack to send your foe reeling by striking them with a thunder clap.

Torn by The Hurricane

Cost: 5

Your passion for the storm calls winds to tear the weapon from an opponent's hand. Spend a point of Water, call out "Disarm [Hand] by Wind," and make a packet attack to disarm your foe.

Whirlwind Step

Cost: 3

Your passion for the storm calls winds to protect you. Once per short rest, if you are fighting with a melee weapon, spend a point of Air, spin all the way around, and call out "Disengage by Wind."