Cost: 5You cannot use skills in this header if you have the Highborn header.
Once per event you send an opponent with a shield reeling. Using a sword, axe, or hammer that is two handed, strike an opponent's shield calling "Shield Slam" to knock them down. This throws you off balance as well. You must step back after using this skill and you cannot advance on that opponent for 3 seconds.
Berserk Strength
Cost: 4You may rip free from or shake off effects with a Physical trait. Once per short rest, spend a point of Fire, role play for 3 seconds, and call out "Purge" and end one effect with a Physical trait.
Durability of the Berserker
Cost: 5You gain +1 to your Vitality attribute.
Leveraged Block
Cost: 1You can block (but not attack) with a two handed weapon even if you are holding it with one hand.
Mindless Rage
Cost: 5Spend 2 points of Fire and call out “Resist and Frenzy to Self” to negate an attack with a Mental trait. The skill only works if the Frenzy takes effect. If you negate the Frenzy with a defense, or if for some reason you cannot be affected by Frenzy then this skill fails and you take the mental effect. The skill works if the Frenzy effect takes hold even briefly, so purging the Frenzy effect or having it cured after you use this skill does work.
No Time to Bleed
Cost: 2Any healing effect with the “to Self” trait is increased by 1.
“Keep going. We have no time to bleed.” Draskin the UnflinchingRaging Strikes
Cost: 3Once per long rest, spend a point of Void to launch into a series of ever increasing melee attacks. You gain a melee attack for “2 Damage” that lasts until you strike an opponent who acknowledges it with role-play or negates it with a defense. Once used, you gain a melee attack for “3 Damage,” then “4 Damage,” then “5 Damage.” Each strike lasts until you strike an opponent who acknowledges it with role-play or negates it with a defense. The skill lasts until you have used all the attacks, you use another skill, you rest, or you are rendered helpless or unconscious.
This skill costs Void and the Void and Attacks section applies, but because you get multiple attacks you would only apply that section if all attacks are negated with an appropriate defense.
Strike of Fury
Cost: 5You make a furious strike while wielding any two handed weapon. Once per long rest, spend 2 points of Earth, call out "10 Damage," and make a melee attack with a two handed weapon. If you are using a one handed weapon instead call out “6 Damage.”