Spells of Legacy
A Blessing of Health
Cost: 2With Legacy, I infuse a blessing of health.
Spend a point of Earth, speak the incantation, and call out "Imbue by Magic" to be empowered to heal your allies. You may deliver two healing effects by packet. You must call out "Heal 2 by Magic" for each, but you need speak the incantation of the spell only when it is first cast. This spell ends when those two effects are used, when you cast this spell again, when you take a long rest, and at the end of the event. These castings have all the restrictions of casting a spell. Your hands must be free or holding onto items with which you can cast spells, you cannot be hit by attacks, and you cannot be under the effects of a Silence.
Divining Sight
Cost: 4With Legacy, I weave the divining sight.
Many beings are touched by the strands of Fate as they move from place to place. You attempt to find those strands and read them, gaining visions about an area you might visit. When a Guide character comes forth to lead you someplace out of town or through a gate you may attempt to look at the strands of Fate that might cling to them. Spend a point of Fire, speak the incantation, call out “Speak with Fate,” and touch a willing subject to whisper a question to the individual. Sometimes the strands of Fate will be empowered and spirits will enter the individual and whisper some bit of knowledge about what you might face. Your question must be short, and the whispers will generally be no more than a sentence or two in return. The person so touched might remember details about the place and elaborate after the spirits have left them. Some powerful casters can ward areas against this kind of divination, and some questions may fall on deaf ears and simply fail.
The Gift of Life
Cost: 4With Legacy, I weave the gift of life.
Once per event, touch the body of a companion who has been slain but has not yet risen as a spirit to bring them back from the dead. Spend a point of Void, touch the body, and call out “Cure Death by Legacy” to revive them.
A Litany of Healing
Cost: 2With Legacy, I infuse a litany of healing.
Requirement: Healing Light or Healing Touch
You empower your Healing Light or Healing Touch ability when you cast this spell. Speak the incantation and call out “Imbue by Legacy.” For the rest of the event, the first two times after each short rest that you use either Healing Light or Healing Touch you need not spend Air.
(Although this spell has no attribute cost and can last an entire event, like any active spell you will need to cast it again if you are killed.)
Purity of Form
Cost: 4With Legacy, I instill you with a moment of clarity.
You invoke life essence to purify an ally. Spend 1 point of Water, speak the incantation, call out "Cure Metabolic by Legacy," and make a packet or touch attack to cleanse the target of impurities of blood and body.
The Smile of Good Fortune
Cost: 2With Legacy, I infuse the smile of good fortune.
You call the blessings of Fate down upon you to protect you from untimely death. You cannot cast this spell on others. You may only have one of these spells active at any time. Spend a point of Fire, speak the incantation, and call out “Imbue to Self” to protect yourself from Death effects. You may end this Imbue effect to mitigate one Death effect. If you are struck with a Death effect call out “Reduce” to negate the effect and instead lose all Vitality and fall down unstable. This spell needs no effect card because it cannot be cast on others.
The Soothing Touch
Cost: 1With Legacy, I infuse the soothing touch.
This spell gives you the ability to cause bleeding characters to become stable simply by touching them. You may only have one of these spells active at any time, and you cannot cast this spell on others. Spend a point of Water, speak the incantation, and call out "Imbue by Magic." You may stabilize any number of people by touching them with a packet and calling out "Stabilize." This spell needs no effect card because it cannot be cast on others. This spell ends when you take a long rest to refresh attributes, and at the end of the event.
To Walk Death's Realm
Cost: 4With Legacy, I weave this writ to walk Death’s realm.
You attempt to manipulate Fate by giving your blessing to a Spirit of the Dead who has begun the journey to the Gate of Death. To cast this spell, the caster must prepare at some time before the spell is needed a written request to the keeper of the Gate of Death that the spirit be returned safely. The request must be rolled or neatly folded and sealed with wax or ribbon. Exhaust one point of Fire, touch a willing spirit of the dead traveling to the Gate, and call out "Imbue to Spirit" and hand them the scroll. You must prepare the scroll and use this spell before they are called into the Gate. Instruct the spirit that they must read the scroll to the keeper of the Gate if requested to do so, and their passion in this reading may affect the decision of the Keeper. If nothing removes the spell and the request pleases the keeper, the spirit will be allowed to negate the effects of one draw if they wish to do so and take a second draw to replace it from the Deck of Fate. The spirit will have to abide by the results of the second draw if they choose to do this regardless of the result of the first draw.